Two Denig Memorial Bricks Available

Published by kvstark on

In the original concept of the memorial to our founder, Brig. Gen. Robert L. Denig Sr. at  the National Museum of the Marine Corps, the plot we purchased allowed for 78 surrounding bricks which could be engraved.  We recently discovered that two bricks were used as “fill” and are blank.  CCHQ received requests following the dedication to purchase bricks but, at the time they were unavailable. 

If you are interested in purchasing one of the two remaining bricks, please contact CCHQ by email or phone.  The price is $300.  You are allowed three lines of 20 characters each.  Remember, spaces and periods count as a character.  You may dedicate a brick to yourself, loved one, friend, chapter, etc.  This is a lasting legacy to your service as a Marine in our occupational field.  A portion of the brick cost will go to the scholarship fund of the USMCCCA.

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