Swindells: WWII vet passes

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Walter Swindells

WALTER ROBERTS SWINDELLS 92, who came to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, in 1972 “by way of Florida, New York, Texas, and California,” sometime managing editor of The Anglican Digest (1974-1981) and founding editor (Old Stubby Fingers) of the Anglican News Exchange (1978-1985) died on March 23, 2012. A retired Captain of Marines, an archaic term he loved to use, he was born in Washington, D.C., on November 2, 1919, and raised in Florida. He married Margaret Dutill on August 17, 1941.His 21-year career in the Marine Corps included World War II and the Korean Conflict, where he was awarded the Bronze Star medal. He and his family moved to Riverside in 1961. He was employed at the Riverside County Disaster Preparedness office, became its Director, and retired in 1972 to Eureka Springs. He recently retired as Secretary-Treasurer and Trustees’ Warden of the Society for Promoting and Encouraging Arts and Knowledge (of the church). At one time or another, he served on the Eureka Springs Planning Commission; the governing bodies of the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen; the Foundation of Christian Theology; and the Pilgrim’s Hostel (Hot Springs).

Categories: Obits