PT Brent discusses his time in Afghanistan

Published by kvstark on

PT Brent, Fort Apache, Afghanistan, 2012

Zoom in on Wednesday, September 1 at 12:00 Pacific Time to hear one of our own talk about his time embedded with the United States Marines in Afghanistan.

Many of us know PT Brent, if not from his work with the Devil Pups, on Iwo Jima, his travels across the Lewis and Clark Trail and Little Big Horn, then from Notre Dame football or his weekly emailed Marine gouge from Honolulu. He is a survivor of the Marine Corps Marathon and is almost single-handedly responsible for the correct pronunciation of Camp Lejeune (Luh-jern).

A Marine veteran and Joe Rosenthal Chapter member, PT was embedded three times with the Marines in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait and Djibouti while writing for Leatherneck Magazine and the Honolulu Star Bulletin. He’s had years to form his opinion about Marines in combat in Asia, leading up to their scheduled withdrawal and to the August 26 suicide bombing that rocked America and the world.

While we mourn the Marines and civilians killed and wounded in the attack at the Kabul Airport, few of us have had our boots on the ground there. Brent has, and will share his thoughts in this uncensored Zoom meeting. He is an accomplished public speaker and one who gets attention and changes minds.

Do not miss this opportunity to hear his thoughtful and uncensored remarks on the Marines in Afghanistan.

Use the Meeting ID and Passcode if necessary.

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Meeting ID: 822 8023 0864
Passcode: 4419247626

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