Notice Anything Different?

Published by kvstark on

If you have not yet noticed, take a look at the very top of this page.  Is that an advertisement?  You bet!  MultiView Inc., one of the largest internet advertising companies for non-profit organizations is partnering with USMCCCA in an attempt to create another revenue stream that will help build and sustain our coffers.  Anticipating a decrease in our Journal ad revenues due to cutbacks in defense spending, we believe this partnership will fill the gap and allow us greater latitude in our support for the Foundation scholarship funds and our Merit Awards program.  For those of you who regularly visit other websites seeing advertising is no big thing these days.   In our case, CCHQ has control over all advertising.   Nothing will be permitted that might jeopardize our non-profit status or that might be offensive to our relationship with the United States Marine Corps.  If you know of a company or companies that might be interested in placing an ad on our site please contact CCHQ.

Categories: News