Membership directory has been removed.

Published by kvstark on

From the Executive Director:  Due to recent activities, we are removing the USMCCCA  Membership Roster and access to it via our website.  Both President Manny Pacheco and I feel this is necessary in light of recent activities, both nationally and on our Facebook pages.  In the latter situation there were implications that  individuals might have been granted permission to use member’s names for mass emailings; several of which could be considered political in nature.

I would remind all members that we, as a non-profit organization, are apolitical and, for those who do not understand that word, it simply means that we cannot take a stand for any person, party or legislative act, regardless of how the person, party or the act might benefit us.  To do so would endanger our standing with the IRS and jeopardize the good work our Foundation does.  It should also be pointed out that the only person authorized to speak for this organization is its President and, in some cases and when authorized, myself.

Anyone wishing to contact one or more of or members, please  send an email to Your request will vetted and forwarded to ensure privacy for our members. (You will find the link in the left sidebar).

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