IAVA has opportunities

Published by kvstark on

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) Communications Department is currently looking for a Communications Coordinator to assist with the creation and maintenance of new press relationships, media management and developing and distributing IAVA’s signature Daily News Brief. The job description is attached and for more information please visit http://bit.ly/Jd9xZm. It’s a really solid opportunity for a young person to be in the middle of a fantastic team doing big things in media.

We’re also looking for a Coordinator to aid the Senior Advisor in developing and maintaining scheduling, admin and correspondence for me, our Chief of Staff, and our board of directors.  The role will have high-level exposure to an exciting world of political, military, nonprofit and corporate leaders.  The job description is attached and for more information please visit http://bit.ly/HP82WO.

Finally, IAVA is looking for motivated, hard-working OIF and OEF veterans, family members, and supporters to join our summer internship program in New York City and Washington, DC. The internship program will provide participants the opportunity to learn leadership, discipline, and real-world skills in the areas of member engagement, communications, marketing, development and more.  For more information please visit www.iava.org/2012Internships.

Categories: Jobs