CCHQ wants these Marines

Published by kvstark on

CCHQ would appreciate hearing from members who correspond with the below listed former CCs.  We need their email addresses to attempt to bring them into our Association.  If you have their email addresses, please send or contact CCHQ ASAP.  Thanks.
Tom Griggs
Beth Newman
Linda Reiter Haymond-Bock
Judy Jones
Ricky Spaulding
Rick Laemmle
Byron Oglesby
Steven Ryan
Robert Settle
Brett Beard
Timothy Shearer
Todd Yeats
Rob Riggle
Mike Gianetti

Former CCs RVN era:
Sgt. Chris Harris, ISO, III MAF
Sgt. Charles Holbert, ComCam
Cpl. Jim Groom, ISO  III MAF
Sgt. James Blick, ComCam
Sgt. Warren Wilson, ComCam (retired National Geographic)
Sgt. Paul Johnson, ComCam

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