Denig Memorial Campaign a Huge Success

Published by kvstark on

In one of the most successful efforts in the history of this Association, the memorial to our founder, Brig. Gen. Robert L. Denig Sr., his “Demons” and all CCs at the National Museum of the Marine Corps is now completely paid for. Additionally, the 78 inscribed bricks that will immediately surround the memorial are now sold as well.

The handsome black granite memorial will be officially dedicated November 17 at 10 a.m. While ceremonies are still being worked on by the committee of Sally Pritchett, Walt Ford, Bill Hauptfleisch and Fred Lash, there will be a brief service at the Semper Fidelis Chapel before moving to memorial site and the unveiling. The wives of two of the original Demons have been invited to participate. Mrs. Bernice Stavisky, Sam Stavisky’s widow, and Maria O’Leary, Jerry O’Leary’s widow, both live in the Washington, DC area and are expected to attend.

There will be a no host luncheon at the Globe and Laurel restaurant immediately following the ceremonies. All CCs are invited to attend the dedication and join us at the luncheon.

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