August Director’s Cut is Online

Published by kvstark on

Marines –
The most significant threat to U.S. national security is the national debt. This economic crisis has the potential to affect everything from immigration to our negotiating leverage as a great power – his must be solved. This is not my analysis, but that of national leaders in the Executive and Legislative Branches. How the Nation got in this situation, and how to fix it, is a political question. As professional communicators, it’s on this landscape that we find ourselves, and it’s on this dirt we must maneuver to articulate the value the Corps provides the Nation.

Our civilian leaders will make hard decisions about where to accept risk as we work through these difficult times. Their decisions will be informed by our communication as we speak to Americans hrough the media, congressional engagement and directly through community grassroots programs. Marine communicators whose work supports the Corps’ greater institutional goals will have significant impact in this environment. This is not easy, and is usually the province of senior officers, not so in our field…you can make a strategic difference! Prepare yourself. Increase your credibility by being the best MAGTF Marine you can be, be intellectually curious and read voraciously. Never miss an opportunity to articulate the unique role we play in the national security equation:

We are a forward-deployed, seaborne, general-purpose crisis response force. We bring persistent presence from the sea and can operate with little to no host-nation footprint. We respond quickly across a wide spectrum of contingencies, from the application of tremendous violence to the delivery of humanitarian relief, from the Hindu Kush to Port au Prince. We are scalable and can bring either an iron mountain of logistics or targeted humanitarian-aid across the beach or from the air. The strength of the Corps flows from the young Americans who accept our challenge and are committed to something greater than themselves. After their active-duty service, Marines return to their homes as leaders in their communities.

Share the Courage of our Marines, while keeping a clear site picture on our greater communication goals. Good hunting.
Semper Fidelis!
Colonel Bryan Salas

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Categories: Active Duty