30th Anniversary of Beirut and Grenada coming

Published by kvstark on

October will be a busy month for life member Maj Bob Jordan.

Leatherneck will a story about the liberation of Grenada from a squad leader’s perspective as he leads his “grunts” on a mission to liberate the Government House, rescue the governor and hostages, capture Cuban and Grenadian military leaders and uncover important documents and arms caches.

Jordan was also the former DOD/Marine Corps spokesman in Beirut in 1983 when the horrendous truck bomb attack killed 241 sleeping “peacekeepers” is also being interviewed by various news organizations…and was the subject of columnist Chris Harper in the Washington Times, Thursday Sep 5, 2013.

October is the 30th anniversary of the Oct 23 terrorist truck bombing…and the 30th anniversary of the Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen who liberated Grenada.

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