2020 Symposium is cancelled

Published by kvstark on


For our brothers and sisters on active duty, thank you for keeping our country safe in the face of a pandemic. For our fellow Marine veterans and supporters, thank you for your membership and understanding during these trying times and please accept our best wishes for you and your family’s good health.

As many of you know, the Marine Corps has suspended conference planning and involvement for 2020. In concurrence with this difficult but necessary decision, the USMC Combat Correspondents Association Board of Directors, with the support of the USMCCCA Foundation, have officially cancelled the 2020 Symposium. We will still be completing judging for awards this year for active duty Marines.

We will still be producing and distributing the USMCCCA Journal to honor excellence among our active duty Marines and to honor the service of the many veterans who advance our cause or inspire our service. And we’ll be planning the symposium for next year in hopes for the best possible turnout.

We thank you for your support in fueling some of the unique efforts to improve the way we support current and future members. Thank you for your fidelity and for standing up for our community in these difficult times.”

Semper Fidelis,
USMCCCA Board of Directors