2014 USMCCCA Conference to Oceanside

Published by kvstark on

2014 USMCCCA Conference site

Holiday Inn Oceanside, Camp Pendleton Area

Following lengthy deliberations with the Los Angeles Chapter, your Board of Directors has unanimously voted to hold our 2014 Annual Conference September 8-11 at the Holiday Inn-Marina, Oceanside, Calif.

Conference Chair Bob Long, also President of the LA Chapter, had been working for months with a national committee of President Bill Hauptfleisch, Board Member Manny Pacheco,  Foundation Board Member Walt Ford and Jack Paxton the Executive Director  on several west coast venues.

Long indicated that many of the venues, including those in Los Angeles, were either simply too expensive or not available on the dates we needed.  “In choosing the Holiday Inn-Marina we are very close to the main gate of Camp Pendleton and the rates are very reasonable for that location.

“We have blocked 50 rooms, with more available should we need them, at $90 per night.  There are 40 rooms with two queen beds available and 10 rooms with king-sized beds.  Should we exceed the original block the remaining rooms will be king-sized,” Long said.

The conference will begin with a Monday evening reception at the hotel.  Tuesday will be devoted to “fun” activities currently being developed by Bob’s committee.  These could include trips to various local attractions or aboard Camp Pendleton for various demonstrations.  There will be a spouse event.

On Wednesday the committee is working on a similar schedule.  For members of the Association and Foundation boards there will be meetings sandwiched in.  On Wednesday evening we will have our traditional Merit Awards Banquet that will be held aboard Camp Pendleton at venue to be announced.  To that end, Manny Pacheco has been working with key public affairs officials at Camp Pendleton and other nearby facilities to assure the maximum possible active duty participation.

Members are encouraged to make their room reservations as early as possible.  Once the block is filled availability will depend on what is left.  The final date for making reservations is August 29, 20145.      

The reservation link is listed below. 
CCs can either call the front desk and ask to reserve their rooms under USMCCA Conference or they can book their rooms through this direct booking link:  http://bit.ly/hio-ocs

Holiday Inn-Marina
1401 Carmelo Drive
Oceanside ,  Calif.   92054
(877) 834 3613

Your group code is: UMC 
Group Name: 2014 USMCCA Conference