20 new members added to our roster

Published by kvstark on

First place winners recieved a plaque, certificate, decal and a one-year membership in the USMCCCA.

First place winners received a plaque, certificate, decal and a one-year membership in the USMCCCA.

First place plaques and second place certificates were mailed to 32 locations this year.

First place plaques and second place certificates were mailed to 32 locations this year.

The United States Marine Corps Combat Correspondents Association would like to welcome twenty new members to our organization. The following people were given a complimentary membership into the USMCCCA as a well-earned benefit for placing first in the 2020 Visual Information in Excellence (VIEC) Awards (for work completed in 2019).

They are: LCpl Shane Beaubien, Sgt Cristian Bestul, Cpl Stephen Campbell, Sgt Antonio Campbell, Sgt David Delgadillo, Sgt Adam Dublinske, LCpl Armando Elizalde, Sgt Teagan Fredericks, Cpl Mark Lowe II, Cpl Christopher Madero, Cpl Ashley McLaughlin, Sgt Annika Moody, Sgt Marimar Morales, Capt James Stenger, Cpl Dalton Swanbeck, LCpl Melissa Ugalde, LCpl Dylan Walters, Sgt Antonio Campbell, Cpl Jennessa Davey, SSgt Royce Dorman, Capt Morgan Frazer, LCpl Ryan Hageali, LCpl Ryan Hageali, CWO3 Michael Kropiewnicki, Sgt Brittney Vella.

Unfortunately, these and the second-place winners were unable to pick up their awards at our annual awards banquet this year due to the pandemic. However, thanks to a long-suffering US Postal Clerk (it took over an hour to key in the mailings) the awards are on their way.

As always, we thank Paul Mancuso, Awards Chair, MSgt Jeremy Vought, HQMC Communication Directorate, and MSgt Brian Buckwalter, Defense Visual Distribution Service (DVIDS) for the hard work in organizing this contest.

Also, we would be remiss if we didn’t thank all the judges for volunteering their time to evaluate the submissions. They are: Georgi Hernandez, Samuel Corum, Chas Henry, Charlie Poag’ Oliver Peters, Sierra Jimenez, Andrea Olguin, AJ Parsons, Charles Allen, Lucian Read, Samuel Corum, Roman Gray, Gabriel Cruz, Nick Lucey, Ken Melton, Jen Brofer, Rob Wynkoop, Hope Hodge Seck, Andre Dandridge, Shawn Rhodes, Rachel Nolan, Staci Reidinger.

Please send us photos of your Marines receiving their awards. Thank you! Send to kate@usmccca.org

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